Source code for pinspect.utils

import inspect
import logging
import re

import networkx as nx
from import Network

    from StringIO import StringIO
except ImportError:
    from io import StringIO

# does not match to any symbol

NON_EXECUTABLE = "save|write|remove|delete|duplicate"

[docs]def getmembers(obj_class): """ Parameters ---------- obj_class : type An object class. Returns ------- member_names : set A set of method and attribute names of the `obj_class` type. """ member_names = {func_name for func_name, func in inspect.getmembers(obj_class)} return member_names
[docs]def get_module_root(obj): return obj.__class__.__module__.split('.')[0]
[docs]class IgnoreFunc: def __init__(self, key, obj_class=()): """ Parameters ---------- key : str or list, optional A string or a list of strings to ignore `obj` attributes and methods from being accessed and executed. Apart from user-provided strings, all methods that contain one of the following key-words will be ignored: 'save', 'write', 'remove', 'delete', 'duplicate' For the total list of ignored key-words, see `NON_EXECUTABLE` in ``. obj_class : list, optional A list of class types to ignore. Apart from user-provided class types, all numpy functions will not be executed. """ self.ignore = re.compile(key, flags=re.IGNORECASE) self.ignored_functions = dict() try: import numpy as np self.ignored_functions[np.ndarray] = getmembers(np.ndarray) self.ignored_functions[np.ndarray].update(getmembers(np)) except ImportError: pass if not isinstance(obj_class, (list, tuple, set)): obj_class = [obj_class] for class_type in obj_class: self.ignored_functions[class_type] = getmembers(class_type) def __call__(self, obj, attribute_name): """ Check the `obj` for the attribute name `func_name`. Parameters ---------- obj : object Object to take the attribute from. attribute_name : str `obj` attribute name. Returns ------- bool Whether this attribute should be ignored or not. """ for ignored_class, ignored_functions in self.ignored_functions.items(): if isinstance(obj, ignored_class) and attribute_name in ignored_functions: return True return
[docs]def to_pyvis(graph, layout=True): """ This method takes an exisitng Networkx graph and translates it to a PyVis graph format that can be accepted by the VisJs API in the Jinja2 template. Parameters ---------- graph : nx.DiGraph NetworkX directed graph. layout : bool Use hierarchical layout if this is set. Returns ------- net : Network PyVis Network """ def add_node(node_id): attr = nodes[node_id] net.add_node(node_id, label=attr['label'], level=attr['level'], color=attr.get('color', None), title=attr['title']) edges = nodes = graph.nodes net = Network(height="960px", width="1280px", directed=True, layout=layout) for v, u, edge_attr in edges: add_node(v) add_node(u) net.add_edge(v, u, title=edge_attr['label'], color=edge_attr['color']) return net
[docs]def to_string(graph, source, prefix=''): """ Traverse the graph and yield its string representation. Parameters ---------- graph : nx.DiGraph Graph, obtained by `GraphBuilder`. source : int Source node id. prefix : str This prefix will be accumulated in a full call history during successive calls of `to_string()`. Returns ------- generator Generator of string traversal of the graph. """ if len(graph.adj[source]) == 0: yield f"{prefix} -> '{graph.nodes[source]['label']}'" else: for adj, attr in graph.adj[source].items(): yield from to_string(graph, source=adj, prefix=f"{prefix}.{attr['label']}")
[docs]def check_edge(graph, edge_label): """ Parameters ---------- graph : nx.DiGraph A graph. edge_label : str Edge label. Returns ------- int Counts how many edges have the property `label` that matches `edge_label`. """ edge_label = re.compile(edge_label) filtered = [triple for triple in'label') if[2])] for v, u, label in filtered:"{graph.nodes[v]['label']}.{label} -> {graph.nodes[u]['label']}") return len(filtered)